Christmas Homework

Realises Pointlessness of Art GCSE - Copyright to me, as i am owner of this photo, pencil, sketch book and drawing. Thank you.

So being in year eleven means you get no Christmas, because you have mocks and serious homework like drawing a shoe.

Hey, hey look!!
It’s A shoe!!
You can’t wear it, because….
Guess what?
It’s a drawing!!
It’s not even very good.
One of the best sketches I have in my book though. Yay.

I, Me, Mine

An exam title.
A vain rememberence.
An arrogant attempt at achieving success when really an A grade really doesn’t say much when you stand up and have to work to live.

A mechanical engineer can earn more than a professional that went to university.
Then again it isn’t about the money.

The work… How do we rate work? By productivity?  Getting more done in less time in as best quality?

We are constantly under this pressure of work to earn money to pay the bills to fall in love.

And when you fall in love,  mighten it be family or friends, a passion; any reason to live… That is when the work you are doing has high value.

Micaiah’s xoxo

The poet’s poem

Is to your interpretation.
As you read it, for a moment it is yours.

Give up on trying to assume what the writer was thinking but instead focus on what you are thinking and how you shine through someone else’s words.

You live on the same Earth as I yet we are worlds apart and don’t even know each other’s real names. We live the same with a different perspective and so what happens to you is yours.

If the poem’s metaphor cries, then maybe you think it is sad, but maybe I think it’s so happy it leaks. It reflects yourself: as you may be sad but I am so happy I leak.

I’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it

At the moment I am neck deep with plans.  I have to manage my time incredibly carefully otherwise everything could calapse and I will self destruct.

I am rehearing for a Shakespearian play and a Disney parody pantomime dresses up as a musical as I practice lines, dances and characters. All roughly two-three times a week for the next three months. At the same time as my mocks.
As well as giving up 2 lunch times a week to rehearsal for a drama competition.
Not to mention the other lunchtime I have to sacrifice for maths catch up because I got a B on a gcse test when I should be getting As.
On top of that my Friday dance classes and Saturday singing lessons.
Not to mention the plethora amounts of homework; lengthy hours sent on art work; media slitting our throats because we’ve not completed 50% of our coursework.
All the teachers are being strick, and I am aspiring to do ever so well…

However my parents do not understand how these sacrifices make me happy; I believe they are worth the out come.
No they think I am stupid for trying so hard, that I am not getting a break and I need to go on holiday. They want to wisk me away to disneyland… A very tempting adventure but I just can’t not refuse.
My friends would probably call me insane and take the offer but school and performing are my priority.
They started talking about my summer…  They’ve already started planning what they want to do with it but I have my own things I want to do.
So badly do I want to go to prom but they are threatening me with family values and going back to our home country.
I can’t believe I’m saying this but they’re not family, they’re not home.
Home is on the stage.
Family is the cast and the crew.
The ones who support you.
Where the heart is, where you are happiest and most passionate. Where you forget time exists and you are just living life.
It hurts that my parents disapprove of all this hard work, that they’re willing to tread all over it.
Yet what right is mine? As it is their fortunes that pay for such opportunities!
I do not earn my own pay,
I cannot live my own way…
Should I just suck it up and do as they say?

Micaiah’s xoxo

Feeling a rush

You know when you have one of those days where you’re actually productive and you feel like you grabbed the bull by the horns and sat it down…

I had one of those days today. I got the balence between work hard and play hard this morning especially.

I woke up two hours before school and got my shit together!

Hang out with mates half an hour before maths then settling and doing what I could, and when I couldn’t I would quickly find a hand from a friend or a map in the textbooks.

Art; already done the exam, planning next steps. Got it all in the mind.

Science, I sat down and worked. And when I’d finished the work early (on time but the rest of my class were like wild animals, took a year to settle them down) and I got out some revision sheets!!

Everyone over my shoulder “oh what you highlighting?” “atoms? Do we need to look at that?” haha, we have to look at everything!

THEN, MY FINAL SNOWBOARDING LESSON!!! It was fun, it was serious, I fell over everytime but the last time!!!
I rolled and I tripped and had snow in places I didn’t know snow could go.

And now revision. Because two exams are tomorrow!! 

Micaiah’s xoxo

revision making me RANT

I’ve just been told:

Follow your instincts and you’ll get it right.

– English Teacher

The context of this conversation was indeed Exams. Yet, else where I hear “planning is key” 

To what extent do I plan? Is this just with English?  Mighten this work with Maths?

In a different context however, let’s imagine life:
Many might agrue following your instincts is better than planning you’re whole life.

The ice in your fridge isn’t as fasinating as the frozen lake on a December morning.
You planned to freeze the water from your tap. The water on the lake, on ther other hand, was humanly uncontrollable.

Nevertheless, I imagine it depends on the kind of person you are. Maybe you don’t like the idea of having no control, you want to believe in free will, you making your choices.

Maybe your like me and find delight within fate. The serendipity of sunshine.

I lost my point again. Gcses suck because I don’t know what I’m doing but nothing will blow out my fire. Even if I’m lost in the exam. Even if I fail the whole thing. I’ll find my way to where I’m meant to go.

Micaiah’s xoxo

It doesn’t exist

I have so much work to do
It doesn’t exist

Got an art exam
It doesn’t exist

Gotta wash a bunch of stuff
It doesn’t exist

My social life is complicated
It doesn’t exist

My love life sucks
It doesn’t exist

– Words of a student trying to cope

Micaiah’s xoxo