Summer lovin

Having a blast!

Obviously when I was younger my life was a bundle of mystery and two amazing, loving, playful, tour guides of life:


I know for a fact not everyone has that luxury and that some parents find having a baby restricting. However, I was lucky enough to have parents who found that an opportunity.
Whilst watching little Fockers 2 with my dad he told me about our trip to Chicago…  The one I was too young to remember but apparently I loved it, as they did.
My parents confessed they travelled and learnt (through tours, museums, reading me books, etc) much more with me in their lives.

Obviously as babies we are completely dependent on our carers for survival without being able to conduct the most basic activities of living.
So as we grow up we no longer need them to spoonfeed us or dress us.
So it seems we grow apart.

After about ten years we really start to grasp our lives, thoughts and opinions. We start caring about school and friendship and spend less and less time with our parents. Not that that’s a terrible thing but it definitely loses some of those first, incredible moments where you’d have loads of messin around moments singing theme tunes, putting food in eachother’s hair, and being swung into bed.

However, recently, back at 15, at least in the recent months, I’ve been getting closer with my family. My parents and my grandma alike now that she lives with us.
I’ve started to realise how before there were moments I thought “because they’re parents they have to” but there are so many, sweet things they do for me. And how caring this family can be and what a positive energy it gives out when everyone is supportive and does little things like… Well, the inspiration for this post was actually my mum bought me my favourite sandwich for me today before I went out with my mates because I woke up late and she knows I don’t eat as well when I’m going out.
I mean, it’s not a big deal but maybe it’s part of the 80-20 law or that it’s really the small things that make the biggest difference…
Because I know in that moment she thought dearly of me, and really with no self advantage or such.
My dad fixing my computer and getting me games that really were for my own personal entertainment and full stop.  There’s so much they don’t have to do. Perfectly normal average everyday stuff…

And it can be so constant and casual that it becomes an expectation… And it’s really not… It’s such a nice thing for them to Do. Always.

And now a days I’ll go and have a sweet conversation with my nan about my day and what’s going on in people’s lives and she’ll make jokes… Funny jokes! And it’s really enlightening.

I’m kinda really proud of my family and I wish I could show them off more.

Micaiah’s xoxo

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